Aspetar is inviting healthcare professionals to join its virtual Antimicrobial Stewardship Programme workshop slated on February 14.
The workshop will be held from 8.30am to 1.55pm via Microsoft Teams. Among its target audience include physicians, pharmacists, nurses, dentists, and allied health professionals.
There will be three sessions during the workshop. The first session will tackle the background and introduction to Antimicrobial Stewardship Programme (ASP), followed by current challenges with ASP, and lastly, ASP in different settings.
An interactive meeting will likewise be held for 90 minutes where a question and answer discussions will take place for each of the three sessions.
The online workshop is an Accredited Group Learning Activity (Category 1) as defined by the Ministry of Public Health’s Department of Healthcare Professions - Accreditation Section and is approved for a maximum of 4.75 hours.
The Scientific Planning Committee includes Dr Zainab Al Sarraf as the Chair, Dr Jameela Ali AA Al Ajmi, Dr Syed Sajid Ahmed, Dr Yorck Olaf Schumacher, Dr Nohad Abed Al Malak, Blessy Alice Idiculla, Dr Bruno Olory, Dr Mohammed Alsaey, Radya Atallah, and Dr Asmaa AlMarwani.
Upon the completion of the workshop, participants will be able to develop strategies to implement evidence-based practice for AMS, develop a plan to lead and maintain AMS through a collaborative approach including multiple settings, discuss and implement a system that leads to optimal decision-making, improved patient care outcomes and reduction in cost and possible effects, and advocate the leadership role of healthcare professionals and patients in the containment of antimicrobial resistance. Interested individuals may register through Aspetar’s website.
Aspetar is the first specialised orthopaedic and sports medicine hospital in the Gulf region.