New York: David Lynch -- the groundbreaking director behind "Mulholland Drive" and "Blue Velvet," who gained a cult following for his unsettling portraits...
New York: David Lynch -- the groundbreaking director behind "Mulholland Drive" and "Blue Velvet," who gained a cult following for his unsettling portraits...
Los Angeles, United States: A new Netflix series starring Meghan Markle, the actress wife of Britain's Prince Harry, has been delayed due to...
Beverly Hills, United States: Surreal narco-musical "Emilia Perez" and epic immigrant drama "The Brutalist" were the big winners at the Golden Globes on...
Los Angeles, United States: Hollywood's best and brightest from film and television will hit the red carpet Sunday for the Golden Globes, the...
Los Angeles, United States: Famed actors Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie signed off on a divorce settlement Monday, according to US media, marking...
Doha: Qatari cinemas are showcasing an exciting lineup of films this week, synchronising their global releases. The selection spans multiple genres, including fantasy,...
Seoul: A factory turned into a battlefield, riot police armed with tasers and an activist who spent 100 days atop a chimney --...
Doha: The 6th edition of the International Video Art Forum, held in Saudi Arabia, featured a remarkable participation from Qatar. Qatari filmmaker Abdulrahman...
Tokyo: Fuelled in part by the success of TV hit "Shogun", foreign studios are hungry for quality Japanese content and local creators are...
Mumbai: From riding pillion on zooming motorbikes to round-the-clock airport stakeouts, India's celebrity-hunting paparazzi photographers have gone from "outcasts" to becoming a key...
Rabat: The 21st edition of the Marrakech International Film Festival in Morocco is showcasing over 71 films from 32 countries. The festival, which...
Doha: From the village of Deir Hanna in Galilee to Hollywood, acclaimed Palestinian actress Hiam Abbass has carried her heritage across continents and...
Torun, Poland: The Western "Rust" will get its world premiere on Wednesday at a Polish film festival, three years after its cinematographer was...
Torun, Poland: The Western "Rust" will get its world premiere on Wednesday at a Polish film festival, three years on from a shock...
London: Paddington is back and he has lost none of his "charm" and "high jinx", according to Hugh Bonneville who again guides the...
Tabernas, Spain: A cowboy collapses after gunshots ring out outside a saloon -- this is not America's Wild West but Spain's arid Almeria...
Dallas, USA: "Game of Thrones” fans came out in droves to bid on hundreds of costumes, props and other items from the series...
Busan, South Korea: Netflix's Korean cult-horror thriller "Hellbound" returned for its much anticipated second season with a world premiere at Busan International Film...