Qatar / Education

Number of scientific research institutions reaches 33

Published: 29 Dec 2021 - 09:09 am | Last Updated: 29 Dec 2021 - 09:12 am
Minister of Education and Higher Education, H E Buthaina bint Ali Al Jabr Al Nuaimi

Minister of Education and Higher Education, H E Buthaina bint Ali Al Jabr Al Nuaimi

The Peninsula

Doha: The number of scientific research institutions and centres operating in Qatar reached to 33.

“The country witnessed a steady growth in the number of scientific research institutions and centres, bringing their number to 33 centres and institutions,” said Minister of Education and Higher Education H E Buthaina bint Ali Al Jabr Al Nuaimi.

The Minister said that scientific research institutions and centres are conducting researches on various topics such as environment and energy, medicine, entrepreneurship and computing, social, humanitarian and educational studies, technological innovations and sustainable development.

She was addressing 18th Conference of Ministers Responsible for Higher Education and Scientific Research in the Arab World held yesterday in Algeria.

The conference focused on higher education and scientific research in the Arab world on the horizon of 2030 Vision and directions.

The Minister said that Qatar witnessed an increased and diversified growth in the number of higher education institutions in cooperation with the most reputable international higher education institutions, bringing the number of these institutions in 2021 to 32.

She said that the higher institutions are offering 365 academic programmes in various specialised educational tracks to provide a range of educational options for students wishing to complete their university studies, in addition to sending students to study in educational institutions outside the country.

The Minister thanked government of Algeria for hosting the conference, which will contribute to supporting and strengthening cooperation and partnership between Arab countries and Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO) to implement many joint programmes and projects.

She said that the future of education must be thought about in the remaining ten years of the sustainable development plan, identifying the most urgent needs resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, and identifying challenges and priorities, in order to develop plans for speedy recovery and meet those needs in light of the 2030 sustainable development goals.

The Minister praised ALECSO’s inclusion of the Arab Plan for Education in Emergencies and Crises into its programmes.  

She added that the university is the focal point of the educational system of any country as it actively contributes to the formation of human capital distinguished by high scientific skills and capabilities.

“We need to produce educational policies capable of preparing and qualifying graduates for future jobs with its rapid changes and serious challenges,” said the Minister.

“We live in an era characterised by successive developments in the fields of knowledge, education and training, and the accompanying technological, social, economic and environmental developments, and the development of artificial intelligence.”

She stressed that artificial intelligence to be adopted to address one of the most prominent challenges of university education and learning. 

The Minister said that it could be also useful in improving the teaching and learning process, creating new learning opportunities for university students and providing them with the skills and knowledge that qualify them to successfully enter the local and international labour market.