Doha, Qatar: The role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in augmented reality technology could give users the ‘superpowers’ to decode human emotional states, say reports.
According to a tech futurist, an individual can interpret emotions or determine the veracity and character of another person through the 'superpowered AI glasses'.
Speaking to Daily Mail, Devin Liddell, the Principal Futurist at Teague, explained that “computer vision mechanisms integrated within wearable devices like glasses or headsets will identify emotional signals beyond the capability of the un-augmented human eye and intuition.”
He projected a future where augmented reality and artificial intelligence coalesce, bestowing upon humans sensory abilities that could reshape societal interactions.
Liddell referred to this capability as a 'backchannel', an idiom usually denoting non-public discussions that could offer an upper hand during negotiations.
The futurist anticipates the fusion of computer vision technology with AI and consumer wearables in the foreseeable future.
Liddell elucidated that wearers of these devices could decode a wide range of physiological and psychological data about their peers.
"Paired with AI, this will give people a constant backchannel about people they're interacting with at the moment," Liddell stated.
"Is the person they are interacting with calm or anxious, intrigued or irritated, and so forth? Are there hints implying they are lying? Are there signs indicating they find the viewer attractive?"
Liddell asserts that these discerning 'superpowers' will allow users to detect everything from concealed illnesses to psychological problems, and predicts they will be exploited to their fullest potential.