
Ministry issues tips on how to keep kids safe from cyber threats and inappropriate content

Published: 01 Jul 2017 - 08:13 pm | Last Updated: 28 Dec 2021 - 11:39 am
(Photo courtesy: MoI)

(Photo courtesy: MoI)

Doha: Ministry of interior has published some very important points to ponder over for parents regarding their child’s internet use and safety.

In a post on their Facebook page MoI has listed some very pertinent points about cyber safety and how parents can try and make the child’s internet experience as safe as possible.

It is not realistic to keep the kids away from the cyber world as even their studies are now linked to internet and computer usage.

“Children and young people spend much time online and it can be a great way for them to learn, socialize, explore and have fun. But at the same time they do also face risks like cyber bullying or seeing content that's inappropriate and may affect their behavior,” the ministry mentioned in their post.

The Tips from MoI

o) Talking to your child is one of the best ways to keep them safe. You can also use parental controls provided on social networks, online games and browsers and on both hardware and software that can filter or monitor what your child can see.

o) Exploring online together will be a good experience for them to understand the benefits as well as the risk of internet. Ask your child to show you their favourite things to do online, and show an interest in what they do.

o) Know whom your child is talking to online. Children don't think of people they've met online through social networking and online games as strangers, they're just online friends. Explain to your child that it's easy for people to lie about themselves online, like their age, for example, because you have never met them.

o) Set rules and agree boundaries. Encourage them to divide and manage their time in a better way according to priorities where they will have time to learn, sit with family members, physical activities and prayers so that they won’t be addicted sitting in front of screens for long time.

o) Educate them on the importance informing parents or other adults in case of any suspicious or strange activity or message they come across.

The ministry also urged everyone to contact Cyber Crime Investigation Centre in case of any suspicious activities via #Metrash2, call 2347444 or email to [email protected]