Dr. Khalid Al-Shafi
The recent decision of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) to stop its financial support for the people in Gaza Strip comes as a huge shock as thousands of houses have been destroyed and families have been left without shelters.
The UNRWA has thrown the ball in the court of the international community blaming it for not fulfilling its obligations. However, instead of issuing such a sudden decision, the UNRWA should have exerted pressure on the international community to meet its humanitarian and moral commitments towards the Palestinians because of the historical responsibility.
Whatever the justifications, the decision to stop support for Gaza is sad because it will worsen the humanitarian situation there.
It will increase the suffering of thousands of families now living in open air after losing their homes and properties during the Israeli war. How can these people meet their daily needs, including housing, without getting support from the UNRWA and others?
The decision will have serious consequences at different levels. Individuals, institutions, and the fragile state will be affected.
It will undermine the stability of the society and the fragile truce between the Palestinians and Israel, and the whole region, which is under turmoil from Lebanon to Syria, Iraq and Egypt, will be affected.
Human conscience asks the UNRWA to reconsider its decision and fulfil its humanitarian obligations to people living in one of the most troubled places of the world with a potential of turning itself into hell. The Peninsula