Views /Editor-in-Chief

Importance of Libyan agreement

Dr. Khalid Al-Shafi

23 Mar 2015

Dr Khalid Al-Jaber

From Arab Spring and other revolutions, we have learnt that compromise and agreements are the only way to come out of a crisis. Tunisia is a shining example among many failures in the Arab world. Therefore, an agreement between the warring parties in Libya is the only way to bring stability to the country.
Any failure to reach an agreement even at the minimum level will keep the door open for further fighting and entry of extremist groups supported by foreign powers with the intention of breaking up the country among warlords. All sides need to act fast to end the chaos which started after the ouster of the autocratic regime of Muammar Gaddafi. A security agreement will pave the way for a permanent ceasefire and democratic transition. It will also deprive the terrorist groups of any opportunity to sabotage peace. The only option terrorist groups have to consolidate their presence is by impeding a peaceful solution and then start to threaten Europe and the entire world. 
When state and its institutions are absent, the environment becomes conducive for extremist groups to thrive and export their crimes across the border. The GCC states and all other Arab countries must support peace efforts initiated by the UN, other international organisations and superpowers. 

Use of force as an option must be rejected, and all forms of military escalations should be avoided to pave the way for restoring security and stability in Libya. There is a need to speed up the drafting of the constitution and the formation of a national unity government under the supervision of a legislative body to keep the state united. 
Peaceful coexistence between Libyans is possible today and there is a historical opportunity that must not be missed. Libya has suffered enough and paid a heavy price due to foreign involvement in its internal affairs, whether by Arabs or Western states.