
Kahramaa nationalises 98 percent of its leading positions

Published: 31 Jul 2021 - 08:20 am | Last Updated: 28 Dec 2021 - 11:40 am

Sanaullah Ataullah | The Peninsula

Doha: To enhance job nationalisation drive of the country, Qatar General Electricity and Water Corporation (Kahramaa) has announced that it succeeded in Qatarising 98 percent of its leading positions. 

“Now we are working to recruit Qatari citizens even in the back rows,” said Senior Recruitment Specialist at the Human Resources Department of Kahramaa, Saud Mohammed Al Hammadi.

Speaking in a Qatar TV programme, Al Hammadi said Kahramaa is running short and long-term plans to recruit competent Qatari citizens.

Under the plans, he said, a study was conducted to assess that which types of jobs could be nationalised in different departments.

“Based on the study results, the job areas were specified then we coordinated with the Ministry of Administrative Development, Labor and Social Affairs (MADLSA) to implement the plans,” said Al Hammadi.

He said that the national employment platform (Kawader) which was launched at the end of 2020 by MADLSA made major contribution like providing database of Qatari jobseekers, coordinating in providing CVs and conducting interviews for jobs.

“Kahramma which is working in energy sector needs large number of engineers and technicians. To recruit competent Qatari employees for such jobs we need to provide them training properly,” said Al Hammadi.

He said that the Human Resources Department of Kahramma is working to recruit new Qatari employees of both types experienced and fresh.

“We made special programmes for training the employees to enhance their capacity and to introduce the latest technologies,” said Al Hammadi. He said that Kahramaa is coordination with many partners to attract Qatari citizens. 

“We signed the agreement for training with Qatar Leadership Centre, Al Jazeera Media Institute, Qatar University, College of the North Atlantic – Qatar (CNA-Q) and Texas A&M University at Qatar,” said Al Hammadi. 

Al Hammadi said that the partnership with these institutions aims at providing training courses to develop the personalities of employees enabling them to pick up key positions in Kahramaa.

To a question about privileges offered by Kahramma to Qatari citizens, he said: “We provide all privileges to our engineers and technicians which are offered by the companies working in energy sector in addition to intensive training opportunities.

He said that many Qatari employees who started their jobs with Kahramma are now occupying top positions in different public institutions.

Speaking about future recruitment plan of Kahramaa, Al Hammadi said: “Our future plan is to recruit technicians. There were some shortages but we came over by recruiting engineers and administrators. We will intensify efforts to recruit technicians in coordination with authorities concerned.”

"In pursuit of Qatar national Vision 2030, Kahramaa assumed significant Qatarization Policy that invests in the national cadres by providing appropriate job opportunities, high-quality training and development opportunities, as well as academic development through the scholarship opportunities," Kahramaa said on its website.