On the ocassion of International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, the Embassy of the United States of America in Qatar launch a campaign raising awareness on the issue that impacts women and girls globally.
The embassy joins the international call for action against violence that also coincides with the mobilisation of millions behind #MeToo and other such movements.
"Today is Nov 25, the first day of the 16 days of activism against gender based violence...," begins the video featuring Chief of Mission for the Embassy of the United States of America in Qatar.
The Chief of Mission William Grant in a video announces that for the next 16 days (till December 10) the embassy will share messages against gender-based violence from members of Qatar's community.
Grant adds that the messages with the #OrangeTheWorld and #16DaysofActivism will raise awarness, call on others to take a stand against violence, representing the voice of those who are not able to speak for themselves.
The 16 Days campaign, which mobilizes governments and public alike, is commemorated by the UN, with orange as the designated color for the campaign.