CCQ President Dr. Khalid Mohamed Al Horr
Doha: The Community College of Qatar (CCQ) announced the start of the academic year 2022-2023, as of today July 24, with 3,339 female students and 1,380 male students enrolled in 15 academic programs, 8 associate degree programs and 7 bachelor’s degree programs. CCQ is offering 672 on-campus classes, in addition to 36 hybrid classes, which combine traditional and online learning.
In the same context, CCQ administration pointed out that the mode of study during the current fall semester will be face-to-face for all courses listed in the academic schedule of the academic programs whose study requires attendance at the College, as well as for lab sessions, where students’ attendance will be mandatory with a maximum of 12 students per laboratory.
On this occasion, Dr. Khalid Mohamed Al Horr, President of CCQ, stressed the College’s readiness to launch the academic year, and to receive all members of the College, including students and faculty members. He also stated that the academic and administrative staff are always ready to help male and female students and guide them in their academic journey at CCQ, to enable them to achieve academic excellence.
Dr. Al-Horr indicated that the College has succeeded in developing an educational system that enhances the options available to students, by offering two consecutive sets of 8-week courses per semester, in parallel with the regular 16-week courses. Thus, providing students with greater flexibility allowing them to study and work at the same time and avoid conflicting times.
He added that the faculty members of the College, 104 regular and 29 adjunct, are distinguished by the diversity of their expertise and academic specializations. This contributes to enhancing the College’s ability to accommodate the increasing numbers of students and the expansion of its academic programs.
The President of CCQ also stressed, during the Annual Convocation for faculty and administrative staff that was held recently at the Lusail Campus, the College’s commitment to continue its vital role in meeting students’ aspirations and providing high-quality education, by developing the College’s programs and services, whether educational or administrative, and producing learning outcomes capable of meeting the labor market’s needs of qualified manpower who are able to contribute to the comprehensive national development in the coming years.
Dr. Al-Horr also pointed out that the College has been keen, since its inception in 2010, to raise the efficiency of institutional performance, and to enhance the quality of education, by adopting the best teaching methods, attracting specialized academic competencies and employing distinguished administrative expertise, which develop the Qatari human capital with science and knowledge, as part of CCQ’s contribution to achieving the goals of Qatar National Vision 2030, which considers human development its first pillar.
The Convocation witnessed presentations of the three academic divisions, namely Management Sciences, Science and Technology and Liberal Arts, in addition to the Student Affairs Division and a number of departments and sections. The attendees were acquainted with the responsibilities and roles of each of these departments, and the services they provide to the College’s members, as well as the plans of each department for the academic year 2022-2023, and the effective ways to achieve career excellence and educational innovation, in a way that enhances the strategic goals of the College, and raises the level of current and future initiatives, programs and development plans.