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The Qatar Vaccination Centre for Business and Industry Sector is a hive of activity as crowds of people turn up to get their booster dose.
Among them many have lauded the strict measures taken by personnel at the centre to ensure smooth operations and safety of everyone.
The Centre in the Bu Garn area started on January 9, providing COVID-19 vaccines to essential employees in the business and industry sectors.
“Everything at the Centre is very well organised. Once you enter the place it takes only 10-15 minutes to get the jab and leave the place,” said Asilia, who works as a merchandiser.
“Most importantly you feel safe at the place, although there are many people coming to the Centre at the same time, there is crowd management and no congestion or queuing,” she added.
Qatar Vaccination Centre for Business and Industry Sector has the capacity to approximately administer 30,000 doses per day for qualified people. To avoid congestion, employees in the business and industry sectors with appointments are divided and sent to different zones upon their arrival at the Centre and then called for vaccination.
“We could see about 40-50 people getting vaccinated simultaneously. There were many people but everything was very well managed. The staff at the Centre is very concerned and strict about following COVID-19 precautionary measures. It was hassle free, everything was very smooth and fast,” said Mohamed Musheen, working for a fashion retail company.
The Centre allows the targeted and qualified group to obtain not only the booster COVID-19 vaccine dose but also the first and second doses for those who did not receive them earlier.
Qatar Vaccination Centre for Business and Industry Sector works from Sunday to Thursday from 7am to 5pm and employs about 500 employees, including 400 medical staff, with 280 vaccination places at the same time.
The COVID-19 Vaccination Scheduling Unit has been set up to support the booking and appointment process at the Vaccination Centre.
Appointments can be scheduled by emailing [email protected]