Officials pose for a group photo during the event.
Al Sulaiti Law Firm, Open Source Management (OSM Qatar) and Expense Reduction Analysts (ERA Qatar) have announced a joint initiative for the companies based in Qatar to provide professional services in corporate reorganization and restructuring.
Moubarak Al Sulaiti, Chairman and Founder of Al Sulaiti Law Firm, a leading independent corporate law firm in Qatar; Yousuf Al Aali, Chairman and co-founder of PIVOT LLC, a QFCA licensed company in Corporate Advisory Services delivering cost optimization with Expense Reduction Analysts – ERA, a leading international experts in cost reduction and Nino Tomasino, Chairman and Founder of Open Source Management – Middle East based in Qatar, the leading international firm in corporate management, announced the principles guiding this joint initiative in an event held, recently.
In this period of challenging economic environment, corporations need to revisit their economic model to remain competitive or to regain profitability. Legal, managerial and operational are crucial aspects to take into consideration for corporate success. This is why Al Sulaiti Law Firm, OSM Qatar and ERA Qatar have decided to cooperate together to propose Corporate Advisory Services in the three most important areas of any business - legal services, company management, operational cost optimization.
From September 1 this year, Al Sulaiti Law firm, OSM Middle-East and ERA Qatar will start to deliver corporate reorganization and restructuring services for corporations in Qatar in joint coordination and in their respective legal, managerial and operational cost optimization expertise.
Adhering to recommended hygiene conditions, a conference on Corporates Reorganization and Restructuring will take place in Doha on November 25 2021, with international keynote speakers from Open Source Management International in Italy, from Expense Reduction Analysts International in the UK & Germany and from Al Sulaiti Law Firm Senior Corporate Lawyers covering legal, company management and operational cost challenges for corporates in Qatar.