Monthly climate outlook by Qatar Meteorology Department has predicted the likelihood of rainfall in November last week. The prediction was based on the model forecasts available as on yesterday.
Rainfall: It appears that there is chance for rainfall activity in the third week (24 – 30 November) mainly on the northern parts of Qatar.
Wind: Model predicted weekly mean wind patterns show a possibility for the occurrence of Shamals in the first, second and fourth week.
Maximum temperature: The day time (maximum) temperatures are expected to be generally above normal over parts of the GCC in the first two weeks (03 - 16 November) while in Qatar Temperature are expected to be slightly above normal in the first week (10 – 16 November). The weekly mean maximum temperatures are likely to be in the range of 24–35°c and with generally higher temperatures over the southern parts.
Minimum temperature: The night time (minimum) temperatures are likely to be near normal in the first three weeks (10 – 30 November) while in the fourth week (01 – 07 December) slightly below normal temperatures are expected in the southern parts of Qatar. Temperatures in general are expected to be below normal over most of the GCC areas from the second week to the end of the period (17 Nov – 07 December). The weekly mean minimum temperatures are expected to be in the range of 15 – 30°c.