Prof. Abdrabo Soliman, Director of QUHP
Doha: The Honors Program at Qatar University (QUHP) has been modified—making students under the program, regardless of their major will be equipped with advanced modern skills preparing them for the job market.
The replanned structure is set to magnify the students’ skills potential need to acquire to become successful in the future job market in contrast to increasing their workload or making their current study plans more difficult than they already are.
Prof. Abdrabo Soliman, Director of QUHP highlighted that the “Honors Program is a national wealth that should be invested first.
The new plan has been designed in a flexible manner that considers the different interests of students, their specializations, and global trends in education. The modules address Design Thinking, Entrepreneurship, and Leadership in an era of enhanced scientific research skills.”
He added that QUHP “have been developing a study plan based mainly on two credit hour courses and eight modules, each module being a five week course focused on a particular feature they may need in the future such as leadership and entrepreneurship. Not only is learning based in the classroom but we constantly provide the honors students with opportunities and propriety to attend workshops to strengthen their skills.”
Furthermore, he explained that the program has provided students with workshops and trainings on applications such as Microsoft Sway, Nvivo, Spss, Endnote and many more.
In addition to providing them with the chance to conduct interviews and be the in the position of the interviewer and create their own CV’s and that’s not the half of it this only being the tip of the iceberg.
Recently, Solange Jarjour, Microsoft Qatar Customer Success Manager conducted a seminar on how to utilize Microsoft Sway which is a presentation program. This undertaking was done to teach students how to create an e-portfolio that will collect the work they will be conducting for 6 semesters.
The Honors Program study methodology is incomparable to other courses in the university.
It is designed for highly motivated and academically inquisitive students who are looking for an enriching college experience.
QUHP was launched in 2009 and began with four students and has ballooned to now 550. The program accepts nearly 100 hand picket students every semester.
It is a member of the National Collegiate Honours Council in the United States making QU the only Arab university to gain such membership.