DOHA: The Pakistani authorities granted Qatar Charity (QC) a licence to practise humanitarian work in the country’s territories. QC becomes one of the first two of 127 acting nongovernmental organisations which had applied for the licence.
This was part of the Pakistani government’s attempt to organize the activities of civil society organizations on their land after they had banned all the memorandums related to licensing NGOs.
The Pakistani government has set a number of standards and mechanisms for field work in Pakistan.
The 127 organizations applied for the licence and the first two approved applications were from QC and the Belgian Doctors without Borders.
Faysal Al Fahida, QC’s Director of Operation, thanked the Pakistani Authorities for trusting the Association saying this has proved the credibility and transparency of QC’s work.
He added that QC conveys through its offices a message of hope to all the needy people around the world, regardless of their identity. QC –he said- would continue on the road that was built on professionalism and transparency.
Many of those concerned with the humanitarian work in Pakistan praised the news via the media. QC’s office in Pakistan also received many calls of felicitations.
QC started its activity in Pakistan in 1992 as a local association. It works through five field offices in Sindh, Punjab, and Khyber.
It also has representatives in Kashmir and Balochistan. Its activities include the fields of health, education, economic enabling, relief, water and sanitation, and crafts training centres.
In the field of social care, QC sponsors more than 4,000 orphans, poor families, and students in the 21 districts of Pakistan’s four provinces –Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan, and Khyber- as well as Kashmir. QC’s office coordinates with 7 orphanages in Punjab and Khyber.
Pakistan’s office coordinates with Unicef to implement projects of water and sanitation, health facilities, awareness and suburban seminars, and to organise festivals on the occasion of “World Day of Clean Hands”. QC also works with Unicef to construct facilities for the disabled and sewage networks for the displaced of Waziristan Region.
Having 19 offices around the world, QC has the ability to rapidly intervene in case of catastrophes. QC’s offices are in: Sudan, Palestine, Mali, Mauritania, Somalia, Bosnia, Albania, Kosovo, Pakistan, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Niger, Yemen, Tunisia, Comoros, Kenya, Chad, and Djibouti.
QC’s Operation Department is planning to open new field offices in Morocco, Jordan, Turkey, Nepal, India, Sri Lanka, and Ghana.The Peninsula