Doha: Doha gains strength as a key global city in Kearney’s annual Global Cities Report, owing to an increased focus on Cultural Experience. The capital city noted a 17-point jump in the category, along with bolstered positions in the business activity, human capital, and political engagement categories of the report. The increase in rankings reflects its ongoing efforts to position itself as a global business and cultural hub.
The host city of the FIFA World Cup holds a firm lead on sporting events in the MENA region, which is part of the Cultural Experience category. In addition, Qatar has also invested in several developments over the past decade, including museums and cultural sites that bring Islamic and Arab art and tradition to the fore.
The development of infrastructure to accommodate an estimated 2 million visitors during the World Cup, including state-of-the-art stadiums, a modernised metro system and new urban districts, has increased interest from investors and businesses looking to establish in Qatar. The adoption of open economic policies and commitment towards diversifying the economy, such as the public-private partnership law that was issued in 2020, has improved the investment environment and resulted in an improved ranking in the Business Activity category.
The Global Cities Report also noted improvement in the human capital category in Doha. This is reflective of the state’s decades-long undertaking to develop a world-class educational system at par with the highest international standards as well as the relative ease of access to global talent.
Doha noted an increase in Political Engagement through the year, with a six-point jump reflected through its consolidated effort in the category. The city has also established a firm lead in Political Conferences in the MENA region. As a part of the Qatar National Vision 2030, Qatar is working towards being an active member within the international community, contributing to international peace and security through political, economic, developmental, and humanitarian initiatives.
The outlook for Doha has been overwhelmingly positive. The report suggests a 23-point jump bolstered by strong governance in the country. The city jumped 34 spots in the Economics Category owing to the development of strong infrastructure and increased FDI inflow. It also rose 13 places in Personal Well-being, a testament to accessible, high-quality healthcare and a commitment to reducing its environmental impact.
Jad Elias, Partner and Qatar Office Lead, Kearney Middle East, commented, "As the first Arab state to host one of the world's greatest sporting spectacles, all eyes will be on Qatar. The key will be to sustain the momentum created by the World Cup. The city has already laid out the foundation to drive this next phase of its development journey with an increased focus on innovation, environmental sustainability, and tourism, amongst others—notwithstanding the major ongoing expansion of gas production capacity. "
The Global Cities Index measures the performance of 156 cities around the world across our five dimensions, including business activity, human capital, information exchange, cultural experience, and political engagement.