Doha: The Institute for Advanced Study in the Global South hosted one of its inaugural events, featuring a panel discussion that examined new approaches to critical security studies that centre a Global South perspective.
The panel, moderated by Northwestern Qatar Professor Sami Hermez, was part of a workshop organised by the Arab Council for the Social Sciences Critical Security Studies Working Group. Panellists included Omar Dahi, associate professor of economics at Hampshire College; Pete Moore, visiting professor at the Kuwait Program at Sciences Po at the Paris School for International Affairs; Sarah Parkinson, assistant professor of Political Science at Johns Hopkins University; and Matteo Capasso, Max Weber research fellow at European University Institute.
With a lens from the Global South and an effort to decentre Euro-American security concerns, the panel discussed alternative directions in the study of critical security. The panellists explored political economies of violence, war economies, the intersections of military intervention and preparedness for civilian emergencies, including other topics about critical security studies.