DOHA: The Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) and the healthcare sectors are celebrating 'Qatar Infection Prevention and Control (QIPC) Week', which is inspired by the International Infection Prevention Week that takes place from October 16-22, 2022.
"The Future is Infection Prevention: Spread Prevention, Not Infection" is this year's QIPC Week theme. This is because infection prevention is more important than ever in the battle against a global pandemic and to keep the world safe from healthcare-associated infections and outbreaks.
MoPH emphasized the role that individuals can play in the health and safety of the community. Commemoration of the day provided education and awareness to healthcare workers, patients and their families on the importance of IPC.
The Ministry of Public Health, in cooperation with its partners in the health sector, launched several activities, including a virtual awareness campaign to promote awareness of infection control and prevention in healthcare facilities in Qatar, as well as a range of activities such as competitions and educational lectures. Moreover, awareness messages were broadcast through social media sites to raise awareness about infection control and focus on the theme of this year's celebration.
MoPH IPC team conducted lectures and training for healthcare workers and site visits to emphasize the importance and strategies of infection prevention and joined healthcare facilities celebrations across the country.
The celebration highlighted that "infection prevention and control and breaking the chain of infection have become at the forefront of every activity we do, and that infection prevention and control principles are not add-on practices; it's how we deliver our care."