Whilst you feel like you’ve done everything you can to cut down your calorie count and shred the pounds, sometimes the scales say otherwise. There’s nothing more disheartening than dedicating all your time and energy into a new fitness regime, and not getting the results you’d hoped for.
If you’ve hit a dieting brick wall, don’t panic just yet. Small lifestyle changes can make an incredible difference to your dieting plans – avoid these 6 mistakes for starters!
You’re Skipping Meals
Rule 1 of dieting: never skip meals. May sound counterproductive – the less calories I eat, the more weight I lose, right? But there are serious consequences from not consuming the essential vitamins and minerals you need day-to-day. Not only can it impact nutrition levels, leaving you tired, sluggish and in desperate need of energy; but it also encourages you to crave the foods that are bad for you.
Rather than skipping breakfast and binge eating on high fat and sugary snacks later in the day, concentrate on portion control. A study back in 2004 found that of “329 overweight people, 38% of those who practiced portion control for two years lost 5% or more of their body weight, compared with 33% of participants who did not (they gained 5% or more of body weight).” Dieters listen up; well-balanced meals are central to your success.
You’re Skipping Snacks
Whilst it’s good to cut down on bad foods, skipping snacks altogether could scupper your dieting plans completely. For your metabolism to work effectively, you need to eat every 3 to 4 hours.
Instead of cutting out all of your in-between meal treats, switch to healthier alternatives that let your metabolism do its job. Again, the key is portion size and everything in moderation; to eat frequently, but in smaller amounts. Stock up the superfoods and snack away!
You’re Secretly Eating
We’ve all been there – looking at the scales, scratching our heads and saying ‘but I haven’t touched a bite!’ Or have you… Busy days can dictate our eating habits without us noticing. A meeting here, a catch-up with a friend there; soon enough the tea and biscuits mount up. Switching from your favourite lunchtime BLT to a super-healthy salad will have no effect if you continue to snack on sugary foods at your desk.
If secret eating sounds a little too familiar, start keeping track of every meal, every snack and every drink you consume in a food diary. It may sound a little dull, but it’s a good habit to get into; providing black and white evidence of any dieting mistakes you’re making.
According to a study published by American Journal of Preventative Medicine, “people who keep a food diary lose twice as much weight as those who don’t.” For the techy savvy amongst you, try nutrition tracking apps like My Fitness Pal. This way, you can make note of everything you eat at the touch of a button.
You’re Drinking The Calories
An easy way to pile on the pounds is by sipping high-calorie drinks. It’s all well and good switching from fast foods to leafy greens; but if you’re still hitting the pub at a weekend and drinking pint after pint, that extra weight won’t budge.
Like food, be mindful of what you’re drinking and its calorie content. Fizzy drinks and alcohol are both laden in sugar that can cause you to put on weight without realising. Instead, switch to h2o. It’s a healthy appetite suppressant, prevents cramping during workouts and boosts your body’s ability to burn fat – all at zero calories a glass.
You’re Loading Up On Low Fat
Replacing full-fat foods for their lower-fat counterparts won’t work wonders for your waistline. Manuel Villacorta from Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics explains, “you never feel satisfied after you eat something like that, because it’s just a bunch of processed stuff;” which in turn encourages you to eat even more.
Rather than splashing the cash on pre-packaged weight-loss foods, concentrate on shopping for wholesome, healthy meals that tick every food group. These both fill you up, and provide the necessary nutrients you need to stay healthy.
You’re Being Unrealistic
Setting unrealistic expectations from the get-go is typical of dieters. You’re pumped and super-motivated to reach your weight loss goals, but the optimism soon fades when you don’t see results within a week. Dieting is ultimately about choosing better lifestyle choices, not a fad; so take it one manageable step at a time.
According to WebMD, “one pound of fat is equivalent to 3,500 calories.” With this in mind, don’t be disappointed if your wobbly bits haven’t disappeared after one gym session. It’s a marathon not a sprint; so don’t give up after the first weigh in.