The Ministry of Education and Higher Education has issued a guideline on the functioning of distance learning in government schools which is scheduled to begin from today.
The Ministry issued the circular to directors and principals of government schools about the duty hours of employees in government schools.
The direction was issued following the precautionary measures applied by the Ministry to curb the spread of COVID-19, to ensure health and safety of citizens and residents in Qatar and a healthy education environment.
The circular stipulates that tasks should be performed daily from the workplace for the holders of job titles: School Principal, Deputy Administrative, Deputy Academic, Deputy Director for Kindergarten Affairs, Coordinator Students’ Affairs, Secretaries, Administrative Supervisor (2-3) according to the working hours specified in the circular.
The rest of the employees should start with the remote work system on the systems set by the ministry in accordance with the requirements of the work.
The teachers must establish communication with students and parents on distance learning platforms and respond to their questions according to the rules described in the ‘Guide of Distance Learning’. The teachers should be fully ready to come to the workplace as per the work requirements and needs determined by the senior leadership of the school.
The circular also says that employees who suffer from chronic conditions such as heart disease, renal problems, diabetes and hypertension and respiratory diseases as well as pregnant women should be allowed to work remotely.
A meeting will be held in the school on March 22, 2020 with the subject coordinators to clarify the mechanisms of work according to the lessons schedules and the semester-wise revised plans that were sent from the Ministry.
The schedule of coordinator meetings with teachers should be made to clarify the mechanism of work in the distance learning system and work schedule divided by the number of teachers who will be reporting to schools.
The circular also required to prepare attendance sheets for the school’s administrative and academic staffs during the next two weeks and sending them to the school advisor.
Tablets (electronic devices) should be distributed through communication with the Department of Information Systems in the Ministry.