Qatar / Education

Education Ministry determines scores distribution methodology

Published: 20 Aug 2022 - 08:45 am | Last Updated: 20 Aug 2022 - 08:46 am


Doha: The Ministry of Education and Higher Education has clarified in a circular issued to  heads of public and private schools that are enforcing national standards in Qatar the methodology of students scores distribution for the first academic class 2022-23. 

This is based on the Ministerial Decision No. 2  with respect to the academic calendar of the same year, due to the lack of mid-term examination for the first semester with respect to grade 1 to 11 for the day schools, taking into account the exceptional circumstances of this year. 

According to the decision set forth in the circular and based on the requirements of the public interest, the total scores allocated for the first, second and third classes of day schools for the first semester of the year 2022-2023 shall be 40, from which 20 marks shall be dedicated to evaluating the students’ performance in the first half of this class. The evaluation degree of student for this period is calculated starting from August 21 until September 29, in accordance with the evaluation tools set forth in the circular which include the short class evaluations, participation, in addition to curriculum activities.

The circular added that schools shall embark on monitoring the students' scores on the public service portal of National Student Information System (NSIS) in the same slot designated for that, and issuing certificates for the same mentioned period. 

Also, it has been decided to allocate 20 scores to further evaluate the students performance in the second half of the first semester, in which the student score shall be calculated for this period starting from October 2, until the examinations of the end of the first semester on November 6. However, scores distribution shall be conducted based on the approved evaluation tools and in accordance with the evaluation policy determined by the circular. 

With respect to the second semester, the total designated scores is 60, and scores distribution shall be both in the mid-term examination and at the end of semester exam in accordance with the approved and enforced evaluation policy. However, with respect to the classes from 4 to 11 (Daytime) the total score allocated is 40 to be further distributed based on the evaluation tools determined by this circular. The student evaluation score shall be calculated for this period starting from August 21 to September 29. 

The schools shall, likewise, embark on monitoring the students scores on NSIS in the same designated slot and issue the certificates for the same mentioned period. 

However, with regard to the second academic class, the total designated scores is 60, and their distribution shall be made on the second term semester, works of the second term and the end of the second semester exam, in accordance with the approved and enforced evaluation policy.

As per circular, schools shall issue reports and school certificates of students performance for the entire daytime classes from 1 to 11 for the academic year 2022-2023, while classes from 1 to 11 home and adult education, scores distribution shall be for the first and second class, including the second round. This is in addition to monitoring the scores and issuing the certificates accordingly, based on the enforced evaluation policy in this respect. 

As for daytime, home and adult education classes, the scores distribution shall be for the first and second semesters, the monitoring of grades and the issuance of certificates shall be in accordance with the approved and enforced evaluation policy.