
44% of elderly don't drink enough water

Published: 20 Feb 2017 - 11:52 pm | Last Updated: 28 Dec 2021 - 11:39 am

Sanaullah Ataullah | The Peninsula

A survey by Qatar Foundation for Elderly People Care (Ehsan) on food habits of the elderly in Qatar proposed to ensure healthy diet for senior citizens and create opportunities for them to exercise daily.

The study entitled “impact of food habits on the health of senior citizens in Qatari society” found that about 44 percent of the elderly in Qatar do not drink enough water.

Some 72 percent of the respondents said they used to take moderate quantity of juices, beverages, tea, coffee among others. However, 27 percent of the respondents took more than six cups of these beverages in a day.

Seventy two percent of respondents took main meals three times a day, while 25 percent took only two main meals in a day. Only five percent of the respondents took three and more meals a day.

The survey recorded more points about food habits of old citizens like timing of meals, contents of food, rate of meat, fat and sugar. The surveyed were also asked how often they took fast foods, whether they sought consultation about healthy food from medical centres operating in the country and Ehsan, how much they used these consultations and whether they have proper knowledge about healthy foods.

The study made several recommendations about appropriate nutrition for senior citizens including a proposal to prepare a training programme by a team of doctors and dieticians to create awareness among the elderly about the complication of chronic diseases and its relation with nutrition.

It was also recommended to use local media and social networking sites to create awareness about food and health of old people. Awareness stickers are to be placed at the waiting areas of hospitals and health centers.

It was also proposed to launch a media campaign about threats of chronic diseases and its impact on health and social life especially those related to obesity. The authorities concerned must consider providing places for jogging inside residential areas and develop safe places for physical exercises for all sections of the society especially the old people.

The study also recommended to provide enough qualified dieticians and trainers at care centres for old people and health centers.

It should be made mandatory for elderly care centers and health centers to prepare medicated diets for old people with chronic diseases. Such people need special food free from fat, cholesterol and sugar among other things. Everyone should not be given the same food.

It was also recommended to set up a database including diseases, age and some basic information about old people so the dietitian could proscribe appropriate foods to old people visiting elderly care and health centers.

“The study is very important because the function of body parts of human being changed by ageing that require care with healthy foods for old people generally,” said Maryam Al Ansari, Head of the Planning and Development at Ehsan and Supervisor of the study.

The number of elderly is increasing fast in Qatari society. People aged 60 and above were estimated at 54,531 in 2015, accounting for 2.27 percent of the total population. This is expected to increase in the coming years.