
Qatar Career Fair ends third summer camp

Published: 11 Sep 2015 - 02:16 am | Last Updated: 07 Nov 2021 - 08:29 pm

DOHA: Qatar Career Fair (QCF)’s third summer career camp helped  students on how to enhance  their   skills for  academic and professional achievements.  
Instructors also tackled several topics of particular interest, such as mental and emotional intelligence, goal planning, and career development.
A closing ceremony was recently held at Education City’s Recreation Centre during which certificates were presented to the participating students, in the presence of their parents. 
Saad Abdullah Al Kharji, Head of Operations at Qatar Career Fair, said: “Through this camp, as well as through the various initiatives at Qatar Career Fair, we strive to lend a helping hand to students, equipping and providing them with the knowledge and skills that will encourage smart decision making and choices that reflect positively on their academic and professional future.”
Participants at the camp made visits to leading institutions in Qatar to learn about job opportunities  and requirements. 
Visits to RasGas, Al Jazeera Media Training and Development Centre, Qatar National Bank and Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar offered participants an in-depth insight into the medical, media, banking, and energy sectors. 
Dr Kholode Al Obaidli, Vice President of National Talent Management at Qatar Airways, said: “The third summer career camp was filled with activities and workshops that I believe will greatly benefit my son’s career trajectory; the very reason why we registered him for this year’s edition.
“Among the camp’s many activities that helped raise student awareness around career choices were a slew of field trips and site visits organised by QCF. Offering them a unique opportunity to learn about the nature of work in Qatar’s leading institutions, the activities greatly helped in defining who they want to be and what they want to achieve in the future.” 
Sharing personal experience and feedback around the camp, a number of students expressed their gratitude to the QCF initiative. Abdullah Al Kuwari, one of the participating students, said: “We truly appreciate the academic and career guidance that we received during the camp. The workshops and various activities that we took part in really facilitated our decision making in choosing our future career direction and path in the Qatari job market, and offered us benchmarks and guidelines.”
The Peninsula