Washington - New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady insisted Thursday the team's Super Bowl 49 triumph isn't tainted, despite a report linking him to a cheating scandal.
"No, absolutely not," said Brady, an NFL superstar who could yet face discipline from the league after investigators found he likely knew game day footballs used during at least one playoff game were purposely under-inflated by Patriots staffers -- perhaps making them easier to grip."
In his first public appearance since the NFL's report was released on Wednesday, Brady was greeted by adoring fans at a question-and-answer session at Salem State University in Massachusetts, an engagement arranged weeks before the report came out.
He told moderator Jim Gray that he was not yet ready to discuss the NFL's "Deflategate" findings.
"I don't have really any reaction," Brady said. "It's only been 30 hours so I haven't had much time to digest it fully, but when I do, I'll be sure to let you know how I feel about it -- and everybody else."
As to when that might be, Brady said, "Hopefully soon".
"There's still a process that's going forth right now," he said. "I'm involved in that process, so whenever it happens, it happens. I'll certainly want to be very comfortable in how I feel about the statements that I make."
Despite the relative unimportance of the infraction -- with doubts over whether balls deflated below the minimum stipulated by the league actually provided a competitive edge -- critics have urged the NFL to take strong action against Brady.
They say it's important the four-time Super Bowl winner, a certain future Hall-of-Famer, isn't thought to be above the rules.
But if there were any critics in the room on Thursday night, they were drowned out by Brady admirers, who cheered as the 37-year-old sports hero entered the hall and took his seat, looking relaxed in a navy blazer and white shirt with no tie.