As the third phase of easing COVID-19 restrictions being implemented, the Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) has reminded and cautioned public to continue adhering to precautionary measures. In a social media campaign, the Ministry together with its partners has emphasised the right of public that private healthcare facilities, malls, restaurants and other places ensure safety measures are implemented. “As the Ministry of Public Health has announced the phase 3 of lifting restrictions, people are going back to work places, going back to restaurants, malls and social gatherings.
Everyone is excited to go out. But it is important to remember that while enjoying the opportunity to go out again, people should follow health and safety guidelines,” said Dr. Khalid Al Awad, Director of Protection in Preventive Health at Primary Health Care Corporation. “People with chronic disease, above the age of 60 years and pregnant women should avoid social gatherings and going out unless it is essential,” he said. Dr. Al Awad said that people should avoid sitting and picnicking while outdoors, only groups of a maximum of 30 people are allowed for outdoor activities, playgrounds, skate parks and gym equipment will closed, while walking outdoors masks should be worn while exercising outdoors, there is no need to wear a mask.
“However, people should maintain a physical distance of at least 2 metres from others, follow good hand hygiene and make sure the Ehteraz contact tracing app status is green,” said Dr. Al Awad. “While you enjoy outdoor activities please remember that you ensure the safety of yourself, others and protect from COVID-19.” In a series of social media messages, Hamad Medical Corporation has insisted that the continued adherence to C O V I D - 1 9 p r e v e n t i o n guidelines is important for the safety and well-being of the wider community, under the slogan — ‘Protect yourself, protect your family, protect your community.’ The messages highlight that the public has the right to ensure that private healthcare facilities and healthcare workers making home visits wear personal protective equipment, maintain hand hygiene and disinfect equipment.
It also emphasises that public have the right to ensure that a minimum of 2 metre distance is maintained between tables in restaurants and to ensure that malls limit their operational capacity to 50 percent, during the third phase of easing COVID-19 restrictions. Phase 3 of easing the restrictions include reopening of barbershops and hairdressers with up to 30 percent capacity with strict disinfection measures, malls to continue to operate at 50 percent capacity and children under 12 are still not allowed.
Social gatherings during phase 3 are limited to 10 people indoor and 30 people outdoors, selected restaurants permitted to open at up to 50 percent capacity if accepted for preregistration and certification by Qatar Clean Program and operational capacity of private healthcare facilities increase from 60 percent to 80 percent, with precautionary measures.