Like many other digital services of government entities which are being fully utilised by the people during COVID-19 pandemic, Ministry of Interior’s Metrash2 app and website are serving masses who due to observing precautions prefer making many transactions online.
In an ongoing online survey on the website of the Ministry of Interior, around 77 percent respondents termed their experience of using e-services provided through Ministry of Interior’s Metrash2 app and MOI website as ‘excellent’. To a question asked by the Ministry of Interior on people’s experience about e-services provided through Metrash2 app and MOI website during the COVID19 crisis, 799 respondents, out of total 1,037 votes cast, termed the experience as ‘excellent’.
The survey was launched on August 13 and set to close on September 30. According to online survey, 13 percent respondents termed their experience of using e-services of Metrash2 app and MOI website as ‘good’ while only 7 percent people expressed their dissatisfaction over it.
Only 3 percent people were undecided and chose ‘don’t know’ option. According to data released in the end of April this year, the number of Metrash2 users have exceeded 1 million while the transactions completed since the beginning of the year 2020 until April 22, 2020 reached more than 2.3 million transactions and the total inquiries about the services in Metrash2 exceeded 5 million inquiries.
There are over 200 services available currently on Metrash2 for the individuals and companies. The most used services in 2020 include renewing vehicle licences, registering national address, renewing residence permits, visa extension and paying fines for traffic violations. In order to promote digital transformation, more than 40 e-services had been added to Metrash2 application in 2019. P2