In its role as the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) Preservation and Conservation Regional Center for Arab Countries and the Middle East, Qatar National Library commenced a four-day training course in archive management for cultural institutions on 29 November.
The training focuses on the theoretical framework for managing inactive and permanent archival collections (both public and private), with examples and practical applications. It will be an excellent opportunity for archivists, researchers and those interested in preservation and conservation to learn about archive management in cultural institutions.
Rawad Bou Malhab, an archivist and information management specialist from Lebanon, will conduct the online course and share his historical, photographic and archaeological archive experiences during his time in Lebanon and Jordan.
On the occasion, Maxim Nasra, Book Conservation Specialist at Qatar National Library, said, “This course is important due to the growing need of archivists in Qatar and the region. We want to provide a platform for interested participants to learn about the work of archivists and the impact they have on the organization and access to educational and heritage material. We hope this course will act as a springboard for participants to explore the role of archivists, and we look forward to hosting additional specialized courses in the future as well.”
Libraries need archivists to control and organize their collections. Archivists play a critical role in assembling, cataloging, preserving and managing collections of historical importance. Archivists work with a wide variety of public and private sector organizations and can move into more specialized roles once qualified. Qatar National Library organizes such trainings as part of its mission to preserve the nation’s and region’s heritage and to support the development of librarianship and archive management in the region.