Participants during the medical camp.
DOHA: The Central Market Friday Club, in collaboration with the Centre for Indian Community (CIC) Central Market Units and the CIC, Youth Forum Rayyan Zone, organised a free medical camp at the Nova Healthcare Centre.
Over 200 pre-registered individuals participated in the camp, which offered consultations with doctors, dental check-ups, blood pressure monitoring, blood sugar tests, cholesterol checks, creatinine tests, SGPT tests, and ECG tests for those in need.
Representatives from Nova Healthcare Alan Tom, Raymond Bastin, and Adrien, Center for Indian Community Rayyan Zone President Sudheer TK, Vice President Subul Abdul Aziz, Zonal Secretary Abdul Jaleel MM, Friday Club President Ismail, Youth Forum Rayyan Zonal President Russell, Secretary Naseem, and Tameem Ameer, also attended.
The camp was led by CIC Central Market Unit officials Mustafa M, Faisal N, Mohammed Rafiq TA, Sharafudheen T, Fasalu Rahman, Sajir, Riyaz, and Rihas.