Business / Qatar Business

Qatar’s real estate market poised for growth

Published: 01 Dec 2022 - 10:17 am | Last Updated: 01 Dec 2022 - 10:19 am

Joel Johnson | The Peninsula

Doha: Qatar’s real estate business is poised to increase in the next few years following many international events scheduled in the country including the current World Cup which has attracted over a million visitors to the country. 

According to a report by Coreo, a leading property finder in the country, stated that Qatar’s economy is certain to expand with many real estate projects and investments expected over the years. Coreo’s General Manager Jawdat Al Kateb told The Peninsula that “Like many other developed countries, we have a reliably stabled economy and real estate is one of the safest long-term investments.” 

The real estate firm is operational since 2008 and functions on multiple services including leasing, sales, and resales and is one of the leading property finders in the region. With lucrative businesses enhancing in the country, Al Kateb stressed that it is an instrumental project to carry out while choosing the unerring factors in Qatar.

He said: “Real estate is beneficial as it is rated for several factors including the right location, whether it’s residential or commercial according to the market demand.” 

Al Kateb also highlighted that the need for clients’ preferences should be foremost and well comprehended as it could be a significant crux where the projects will drive Qatar’s economy to heights. 

He said that “I would say the market probably prefer different types of apartments and maybe they prefer one or two-bedroom apartment or studio so it is good to go and understand the market trends first before going to any other development” adding that the clients and investors have options to know competitive we can be with more quality offered to them.” “So if you have to take care of all of these elements or aspects, beneficial projects are waiting outside. That could be not only a good return but appreciation and value”, he added.