Doha: Forward-thinking businesses recognise their savings and reap the broader rewards of greater staff productivity and a positive customer experience. Digitalising ensures high productivity levels for businesses said an expert during a virtual event.
CIELTech, in collaboration with the Ministry of Transport and Communications (MoTC), held a webinar entitled ‘Challenges of remote working’ recently. During the event, Greig Orrell, Business Development Director for UK, Europe and Middle East at global software company SigniFlow, discussed how innovative companies of all sizes have embraced a more effective, contactless or remote way of working while ensuring high productivity levels.
He said: “It is a proven fact that businesses save money when they go paperless, and we are not just talking about digitising a single business process or document. From sales agreements, invoicing, cost agreements, proposals to every conceivable business document, end-to-end digitisation is possible, and it helps save time, money, and environment. “We help companies focus on future, on how documentation and paper is going to be managed and how it is shared among users and also around the protection of personal information contained in data.
Our local partner for the entire Mena region is CIELTech and our focus together is to bring the solution and ways of working remotely to the region, compliant with the local legislation and requirements,” he added.
According to Orrell, remote working during the pandemic remains to be challenging. “Productivity is a big thing to deal with. Statistics show we use 30 to 40 percent of the time looking for information - documents, data and paperwork which has been stored. We have been trying to find ways to operate without having to print and have physical copies. Secondly, there is user frustration for not just internal users but also customers on their ability to access documentation. Thirdly, the cost of dealing with a hard copy (paper) compared to dealing with a digital copy is 30 times more expensive than sharing it digitally. Fourthly, paper pricing is going up all the time, we need to be more environmentally friendly and printing more paper for future is not going to be sustainable. Fifthly, when dealing with customers, a customer edge is needed to keep up with competition in the market. For example, sharing of documents with customers digitally - via e-mail, in a way they are satisfied,” said Orrell.
He noted that electronic signature of documents started in 2000. Electronic signatures are legal binding as long as the users that are involved agree that they participated in signing the document.
“Though electronic signature works very well and is efficient, there are several flaws in it as when dealing with business and customer documents. Legal binding is needed. SigniFlow helps to get documents signed, legally enforceable and compliant to all the processes and protects personal information. Digital signature is an advanced signature and is one level ahead of the qualified electronic signature, which is when the user is validated by a certified authority,” added Orrell.
He said SigniFlow works with industries led by compliance legal requirements and regulations such as financial services, banking industry, insurance, healthcare, government, legal, telco, and other industries to help them focus on moving forward and reap the benefit of digital signatures.
With 20 years of experience in digital and technological products and services Orrell has made SigniFlow one of the market leaders. He believes the future of documentation is paperless not only at the end of saving businesses from the burden of manual processes but also the planet from climate change.