MOSCOW: On June 16, 1963, Valentina Tereshkova became the first woman to fly into space in a scientific feat that was a major...
MOSCOW: On June 16, 1963, Valentina Tereshkova became the first woman to fly into space in a scientific feat that was a major...
LOS ANGELES: Man of Steel, the latest iteration of the Superman series, landed on the big screen yesterday with the hopes that the...
SAN FRANCISCO: Once on the cutting edge of consumer electronics, Sony lost its mojo years ago. But every so often, it still comes...
Civil Guards on horses patrol through a field of orange trees in Liria, near Valencia, Spain. CHESTE: Ricardo Boix, a Spanish farmer who...
A Sony SmartWatch connected to a Sony mobile phone. SAN FRANCISCO: Internet giants from Google and Facebook to Yahoo and Zynga are scrambling...
An Indian herder returns with water buffaloes on a dry river bed in Allahabad yesterday. India’s 235 million farmers still rely on the...
DELFT, Netherlands: Two Dutch entrepreneurs have found a novel way to make money out of the thousands of bicycles abandoned in the Netherlands...
People visit the exhibition “Requins” (Sharks) in the Oceanography museum in Monaco. The exhibition opens today on the eve of World Oceans Day.
Amitabh Bachchan attends a press conference announcing his debut as actor and producer in a TV fiction show which is to be directed...
by Felicity Cloake Pad thai (or the rather cooler phat thai, as the official transliteration has it) is a global ambassador for the...
US actress and humanitarian campaigner Angelina Jolie (left) with her US actor and fiance Brad Pitt at the UK premiere of Brad Pitt’s...
MOSCOW: Up on a brightly lit Moscow stage a clown loudly welcomes the stars of today’s show — 20 highly trained cats. Packing...
Arvind Mahankali with his family as confetti falls around him after winning the Scripps National Spelling Bee on Thursday. OXON HILL, Maryland: Arvind...
MOUNT VERNON, Virgiania: They’re freakishly strong, hungry air-breathers that can survive for short periods on land. But northern snakehead fish, once viewed as...
By Ronald Grover and Alexei Oreskovic When The Internship, a comedy starring Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson, hits movie theaters on June 7,...
By Joe Yonan Sometimes, all I want is a steak. Not a rib-eye or a T-bone, but some vegetable or another. Those moments...
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange speaking from the balcony of Ecuador’s embassy in London on August 19, 2012. LOS ANGELES: WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange...
RAMALLAH: US Secretary of State John Kerry stepped off the diplomatic track on Thursday and onto a West Bank street where he sampled...