Side effects experience by prostate cancer patients could be reduced with regular yoga practice New York: Practicing yoga can improve quality of life...
Side effects experience by prostate cancer patients could be reduced with regular yoga practice New York: Practicing yoga can improve quality of life...
London: Smartphones, tablets and e-readers should have an automatic "bedtime mode" that stops them disrupting people's sleep, a leading doctor said. Prof Paul...
Washington: The revolutionary programmable electronic glasses can help improve vision in children just as well as the more traditional treatment using eye patches,...
Lead exposure is an important risk factor for sleep disturbance New York: Lead exposure in early in life is associated with increased risk...
London: Older women who have strong legs are likely to fare better when it comes to ageing of the brain, a decade-long study...
A picture taken on November 9, 2015 in Nairobi shows a mobile phone application offering a simplified guide to child-birth in Ethiopia, displayed...
Miami: A more aggressive approach to lowering blood pressure could help millions of people over age 50, according to the results of a...
Sydney: Training in meditation and mindfulness practices brings long-term improvements in mental health and quality of life for patients with inflammatory bowel diseases...
Andrew Bloch performs reflexive pattern therapy, which combines principles of physical therapy and acupuncture, on Teresa Luz Washington: It was only the second...
London: Some psychoactive drugs dubbed as "doping for lazy people" can encourage sedentary people to exercise, experts suggest. Physical exertion, along with excuses...
London: There is new hope for cancer patients as Oxford University researchers have found the weak point of certain cancer cells which can...
London: Researchers have developed cancer drug-packed 'grenades' armed with heat sensitive triggers, allowing for treatment to be targeted directly at tumours, according to...
New York: Patients are comfortable receiving the results of common medical tests through password-protected websites or portals, a study has found. Researchers at...
London: Eating a diet rich in both soy protein and isoflavones can protect menopausal women from bone weakening and osteoporosis, according to a...
London: Taking vitamin D supplements can improve exercise performance and lower the risk of heart disease, said a new study. Vitamin D --...
Representative image By Sanjiv Kataria Like many people, I have always been squeamish about entering a prison or a hospital. When Dr Mahendra...
New York: Obese people need to have a diet rich in vitamin E as they require more than normal levels of the vitamin...
New York: Researchers at University of California, San Diego have developed a model that could be used to predict a drug's side-effects on...