Qatar / Health

QU College of Medicine holds white coat ceremony for class of 2028

Published: 30 Oct 2023 - 09:30 am | Last Updated: 30 Oct 2023 - 09:31 am
Class of 2028 QU Medicine students take their oath as part of the annual white coat ceremony.

Class of 2028 QU Medicine students take their oath as part of the annual white coat ceremony.

The Peninsula

Doha, Qatar: The College of Medicine at Qatar University (QU) organised the annual white coat ceremony for second-year students who are expected to graduate in 2028.

Receiving and wearing the white coats is a symbolic occasion marking their journeys as future doctors and highlighting the responsibility that students have. In addition to wearing the white coats, students took an oath marking their newfound responsibility.

This annual event celebrates the completion of the first year (general medicine) and their transition to the second year (medical programme), and the students’ declaration of their commitment to the values and principles of the medical profession and patient care, and diligence to improve health care, in accordance with Qatar National Vision 2030, which includes an emphasis on providing national cadres capable of providing the best health services.

Dr. Marwan Abu Hijleh, Dean of the College of Medicine, said: “We are very happy with the transfer of a large number of students to the second stage after they provided excellent results in the first stage, and today they are ready to undergo the next part of the medical student journey. They will be trained on how to deal with patients and how to find solutions, and they will also visit health centres to be exposed to real cases under the supervision of distinguished and trained medical staff.”

Shaima Khalil, a student, expressed her gratitude saying: “We stand here after making great efforts that we were keen to do with passion and love throughout our past academic years, so that we can reach this phase in the College of Medicine.”

She also described this phase as instilling in them a sense of responsibility.

“There is no doubt that we will face many obstacles during our academic years, but certainly, with our hard work and diligence, we will reap the fruits of the difficulties facing us today, so we must not lose our passion in studying medicine and not make those difficulties an obstacle to our success.”