The competent authorities arrested five people who violated the requirements of the home quarantine, they committed to following, which they are legally accountable for, in accordance with the procedures of the health authorities in the country.
It is in implementation of the precautionary measures in force in the country, approved by health authorities represented in the Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) to ensure the achievement of public safety and to curb the spread of the novel coronavirus.
The five persons are.
1 - Amer Ahmad Aziz Hamad Al Karbi.
2- Al Sayd Al Sayd Rayh Al Sayd Attia.
3 - Anas Kalita Walabel.
4 - Hisham Abdul Karim.
5 - Nrish Namiri.
The violators are currently being referred to prosecution. The authorities concerned called on citizens and residents under home quarantine to fully commit to the Ministry of Public Health’s conditions, to ensure their safety and the safety of others.
Anyone who violates the conditions is subject to the penalties stated in article no. 253 of criminal law no. 11 of 2014, the provisions of law no. 17 of 1990 on protection from infectious diseases, and Law No. 17 of 2002 on protecting society.