Today is the last chance to register the National Address, giving the last chance to avoid hefty fines to those who have not registered their address through the Metrash2 application, Ministry of Interior’s website and its service centres.
The fine for not registering the address is QR10,000 which can be reconciled to QR5,000 by reaching the court. Children who reach the legal age of 18 years must register their national address within two months of reaching the age.
The National Address is the address chosen by a person to correspond with the State or other bodies. It will serve many government entities such as the Ministry of Municipality and Environment; the Ministry of Justice; the Supreme Judiciary Council and Planning and Statistics Authority.
It came within the framework of the strategic development of e-governance and the completion of the legislative structure necessary for e-government transactions and transition to the digital address.
The registration for the National Address started on January 27, this year through Metrash 2, the Ministry of Interior website, and the Ministry of Interior (MoI) service centres. Every applicant is responsible for giving the correct information and there is a fine for giving false information.
The registration of the National Address is compulsory and required for people to access several other government services. The National Address data include one’s residence address in Qatar, landline and mobile phone numbers, e-mail address, and work address for those who work in government or private sector.
To simplify the National Address registration process, the Ministry of Interior has allowed domestic workers to register their National Address using the form for registering domestic workers and authorising their employer to submit the application to the authorities after it has been filled and signed by the worker.
Many MoI services centres worked in the last two days during the weekend, to make it easy for individuals and companies to complete their National Address registration.
Residents who are staying abroad for a long time and are coming back after the grace period will have to register as soon as they enter Qatar.