Business / Qatar Business

MPHC Group firms improve environmental performance

Published: 19 Nov 2021 - 09:19 am | Last Updated: 28 Dec 2021 - 11:40 am

Sachin Kumar | The Peninsula

Mesaieed    Petrochemical    Holding  Company  (MPHC)  Group continues to invest in environmental  projects  to  optimise and efficiently use natural resources and reduce the generation of emissions, effluents, and waste.

Through   such   capital   investments, the Group’s aim is  to  improve  the  environ-mental performance of oper-ations, while enhancing the reliability   and   safety   of   operations.

The Group recognises the importance    of    reducing    energy consumption in order to  minimise  the  environ-mental  impacts  as  well  as  increase the company’s oper-ational efficiency, noted the first sustainability report by the Group.

The  report  outlines  per-formance and steps taken by Qatar  Chemical  Company  (Q-Chem),  Qatar  Chemical  Company II (Q-Chem II) and Qatar Vinyl Company (QVC).Unlike  most  manufac-turers across the world, the Group uses natural gas as a primary  energy  source  for  producing petrochemicals and derivative products (consti-tutes  89  percent  of  total  production   of   the   group)   which  is  cleaner  and  more  environmentally friendly than the other methods of gener-ating energy.

“Since  we  operate  in  a  country in one of the highest water stressed regions of the world, water efficiency is an integral part of our environ-mental       management       approach. To overcome our water scarcity challenges, the wastewater treatment units at Group Companies enable to treat water and reuse it in operations   and   for   irri-gation,” said the sustainability report.

Group  Companies  also  have  implemented  several  projects  including  Zero  or  Near  Zero  liquid  discharge  projects with the aim reusing wastewater in the production process and reduce freshwater consumption.

Group Companies adopt comprehensive  procedures  for identification, segregation, collection  and  disposal  of  waste generated from oper-ations.  

Companies  send  a  summary of all waste ship-ments for hazardous wastes to  Ministry  of  Municipality  and           Environment           periodically.As part of Q-Chem’s oper-ational    excellence,    the    Company  aims  to  reduce  energy  usage  and  improve  energy efficiency throughout all of Q-Chem’s operations.

Q-Chem’s total energy con-sumption for all operations dropped    12    percent    in        2020, with energy intensity  also dropping a respectable  2 percent over last year. This was a result of several initia-tives implemented  to optimize  energy      consumption.

In 2020, the Company has reduced its upstream respon-sible  events  by  69  percent  compared to 2015, maintaining lowest      Environmental Reportable Incident Rate and zero  company  responsible events in company’s  history.

Q-Chem continued to improve its environmental performance, spurring innovation and ownership among employees through effective Pollution Prevention Programs that have been recently implemented to include envi-ronmental aspects, such as flaring reduction, waste minimization, energy optimization, and chemicals management.

In addition, the Company started selecting monthly champions for house-keeping and waste segregation to engage employees in the process of maintaining its facilities clean and tidy. In 2020, the total GHG emissions were reduced by 8.3 percent over the past year.

Given the water scarcity issue in the region, the Companies under-stand the importance of water con-servation and the efficient man-agement of water sources. In line with this, the Companies continue to increase their treated wastewater recycling, while moving forward towards the Company’s aim in reaching near zero liquid discharge in the near future.The companies 2020 water per-formance was aligned with this strategy, reducing freshwater consumption and water discharged to sea by 3 percent and 10 percent, respectively, while increasing water recycling intensity by 18 percent over last year.

Q-Chem witnessed a remarkable improvement in waste generation and treatment this year. The company managed to decrease waste disposal by 16 percent, which reflected in a 2 percent drop in waste intensity.Simultaneously, it worked on increasing the percentage of waste recycled out of total waste generated to achieve a rate that is 27 percent higher than last year.

In support of the efforts to have a safe and cost-effective waste disposal method at Q-Chem II, an innovative waste management plan was put in place and implemented successfully and 100 percent of waste was disposed of safely in 2020