
Multi-layer vertical automated car parking on cards

Published: 12 Apr 2017 - 10:06 am | Last Updated: 28 Dec 2021 - 05:44 pm
A model of the multi-layer automated car parking system.

A model of the multi-layer automated car parking system.

Irfan Bukhari | The Peninsula

To save space and provide hassle-free parking facility to motorists, some commercial entities are set to adopt multi-layer automated car parking structures. On the sideline of ‘Smart Parking Qatar’ conference which concluded yesterday Jason Cho, an official of DY Hanwha Corporation - South Korea, told The Peninsula that soon they were going to install automated vertical car parking structures in Qatar.

“Our deal with two local clients, first a hotel and second a shopping mall, is in the final phase and I hope soon it will be sealed,” said Cho, adding that they would execute the project in collaboration with a Qatar-based company IETG.

Smart parking to help save construction costs by 50%

He said that they would be the first to execute multi-layer automated car parking system in Qatar. “This smart parking not only saves around 50% of construction cost but it also saves precious land which is otherwise consumed in flat parking lots. Even the height of floors is comparatively lower than conventional concrete multi-floor parking lots. The elevators save motorists time and provide them hassle-free services,” he added.

Cho said that his company had already constructed over 130 automated car parking structures in various parts of the world. “Among other additional features and benefits include long structural life because they are steel structures. These structures can also be moved from one place to another,” he added.

Automated car parking system is a method of automatically parking and retrieving cars that typically use a system of pallets and elevators and signalling devices for retrieval. They serve advantages like safety, saving of space, time and fuel (since one does not have to drive around for locating space) but also need to have an extra and a very detailed assessment of the parking required, space availability and traffic flow. These can be further categorised into fully automatic or semi-automatic systems.