
Third Education City Career Fair opens

Published: 07 Feb 2017 - 04:29 pm | Last Updated: 28 Dec 2021 - 05:44 pm
Maryam Hamad Al Mannai, Vice-President of Student Affairs at HBKU, and Paulo Macedo, GM, Corporate Affairs and Deputy Country Chairman of Qatar Shell, inaugurating the third Education City Career Fair in the presence of Dr Khaled B Letaief, Provost of HBK

Maryam Hamad Al Mannai, Vice-President of Student Affairs at HBKU, and Paulo Macedo, GM, Corporate Affairs and Deputy Country Chairman of Qatar Shell, inaugurating the third Education City Career Fair in the presence of Dr Khaled B Letaief, Provost of HBK

Fazeena Saleem | The Peninsula

The third Education City Career Fair opened yesterday with participation of the public sector for the first time, including the Qatar Armed Forces and several ministries. 

The annual initiative, hosted at the Hamad Bin Khalifa University (HBKU) Student Center, aims to provide undergraduate and graduate students in Education City with the opportunity to engage with prospective employers representing both the public and private sectors in Qatar. The event is being organised in collaboration with HBKU’s eight partner universities. 

Maryam Hamad Al Mannai, VicePresident of Student Affairs at HBKU and Paulo Macedo, General Manager Corporate Affairs and Deputy Country Chairman of Qatar Shell inaugurated the Education City Career Fair in the presence of Dr Khaled B Letaief, Provost of HBKU and other officials. 

“This year ministries and the public sector is participating for the first time, which is an good opportunity for our students , graduates and undergraduates. Around 100 companies coming to Education City and being available under one roof is really helpful for our students to find internships or scholarships or get a sponsorship to do research,” said Al Mannai.

Dr Letaief said, “HBKU is taking a much more active role this year, in terms of promoting the event, not only for our students but for all of us. We are really looking forward to promote any potential opportunity for students.”

More than 90 potential employers at the fair include companies from the energy, finance, technology, medicine, education, and media sectors. By gathering organisations specialising in various fields at a single location, the fair encourages participants to explore a wide range of career options when considering their future profession.

Prominent institutions including the Ministry of Commerce and Economy and Qatar Armed Forces are taking part in the Education City Career Fair for the first time. 

“We are here to demonstrate our new recruiting procedures and job opportunities. Our job vacancies are not only for soldiers, but we have civil job as translators and in the fields of law, finance and in health care as doctors and nurses,” said a representative at the Qatar Armed Forces booth. 

Supreme Committee for Delivery and Legacy is looks for both interns and job seekers. It has an internship programme for between one and three months open for 40 candidates. 

Mohamed Al Nadjdi, Head of Recruitment Human Recourses Department at the Supreme Committee for Delivery and Legacy, said, “We came here actually to give students an opportunity to be part of the Supreme Committee and be part of an internship programme with us.” 

Education Above All a global initiative protecting the right of children and youth to education is another prominent participant at the Education City Career Fair. “We have 12 job openings in HR, finance administration sectors and also in research monitoring and evaluation. Among Qataris we are looking for fresh graduates who has the passion to work for children and change their lives. In non Qataris we look for candidates with experience in research work,” said Rabab ElFeky, Recruitment Officer at Education Above All.