Khalifa International Stadium
In a cautionary notice published in all newspapers, Supreme Committee for Delivery and Legacy (SC) warned against infringement, misuse or unauthorised use of FIFA's Intellectual Property Rights and also requested residents to report any such misuse.
The half-page notice that was published read as, “SC draws the attention of individual and corporate citizens and residents of Qatar, including business entities such as printing presses, media agencies, distributors, importers and manufacturers of gift items and memorabilia that, pursuant to the provisions of Laws No.7 of 2002 on the Protection of Copyright and Neighbouring Rights and Industrial Designs, all marks, insignia, artistic, and literature works of the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 (Tournament IP), are solely and exclusively owned by the Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA).
The department warned that anyone who infringes these law shall be liable to imprisonment for term up to two years, to a fine not exceeding QR20,000 or to both. The penalties might also include posting the court's decision in a local newspaper at their own cost, suspension of the commercial license for period up to six months, confiscation of the tools and equipments used in counterfeiting and imitated products.
The FIFA IP covers (not limited to) the official emblem, the tournament trophy, the official mascot and
the following words -- whether used jointly or separately -- FIFA, Qatar 2022, World Cup, World Cup 2022, FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022.
The organiser also requested residents to refrain from using, manufacturing and importing any products or service bearing the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 without obtaining FIFA's prior written consent. It also requested residents to report any violation or illegal use of FIFA IPR to [email protected]
The notice added, “SC appreciated the amount of national pride associated with hosting such a mega sport event in Qatar and in the spirit of this national unity, requests residents to cooperate with regards to the IP for Qatar's successful hosting of the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022”.