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Only one change from yesterday, instead of Orbital Highway today the radar is placed on University Street.
Here are the locations for the radars today (Thursday, July 26, 2018)
It is better to drive within the speed limit on all roads now as yesterday Traffic Department has launched new high-tech radar which is concealed inside a civil vehicle. This car can catch violation on the go also.
Read More: Modern radar-equipped patrol vehicle to catch traffic violations launched
Follow the traffic rules and drive within the speed limit as this will ensure safer journey and also will save you from hefty fines. Many people tend to speed when there is not much traffic and this leads to speeding tickets. This is especially true on the way to and from Airport, where long stretches have 60km/hr as speed limit.
Ministry of Interior began with this initiative to promote road safety by forcing motorists to abide by the speed limits. These radars will catch seat belt violations, over speeding, overtaking from wrong side in addition to usage of phone while driving.
General Directorate of Traffic Brigadier Mohammed Saad Al Kharji in an earlier interview had said that mobile radars are more effective in reducing speed violations since motorists are aware that radars are in place and they need to reduce their speed accordingly.
He requested motorists to take care of their lives and lives of road users. Al Kharji advised the youngsters to respect the traffic laws specially the speed limits because he said that most of the traffic accidents were occurring due to speeding.