
Residents celebrate Eid Al Fitr, maintain social distancing

Published: 25 May 2020 - 08:56 am | Last Updated: 28 Dec 2021 - 11:39 am
Sheikh Dr. Thaqil bin Sayer Al Shammari delivering Eid Al Fitr sermon (Khutba) at Imam Muhammad bin Abdulwahhab Mosque yesterday. Eid Al Fitr prayer was performed exclusively at Imam Muhammad
bin Abdulwahhab Mosque following the State’s strict preventive

Sheikh Dr. Thaqil bin Sayer Al Shammari delivering Eid Al Fitr sermon (Khutba) at Imam Muhammad bin Abdulwahhab Mosque yesterday. Eid Al Fitr prayer was performed exclusively at Imam Muhammad bin Abdulwahhab Mosque following the State’s strict preventive

Sachin Kumar | The Peninsula

Residents made their Eid Al Fitr festivities memorable by celebrating the festival at home with their family members. By celebrating Eid at home and following social distancing, they made significant contribution in government’s effort to limit the spread of COVID-19 in the country.

This year’s Eid is different from previous years because of COVID-19 outbreak. In order to keep everyone safe, the government asked everyone to celebrate Eid Al Fitr at home and avoid any gatherings.

Just few days before Eid Al Fitr, Minister of Public Health, H E Dr. Hanan Mohammed Al Kuwari, had reminded people of the importance of staying at home and following the recommended measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19.

“This Eid, it is really important that you stay at home and only go out when it is absolutely necessary,” H E Dr. Hanan Mohammed Al Kuwari had said in the message to the people. Following the message in a true sense, the residents made the most of their time by staying at home.

The first day of Eid Al Fitr started with offering Eid prayers in early morning at home. Residents adorned their homes with Eid themed decorations. They used technology to overcome the distance created by COVID-19 outbreak. Residents connected with their family, friends and relatives through video calls and exchanged greetings and wish them through various social media platforms.

“This Eid, it was not possible for us to visit our friend’s house because of COVID-19 pandemic. But, we connected with our friends and relatives virtually through video calls,” Mohammad Mufeel, resident of Al Sadd told The Peninsula.

Taking benefit of staying at home, many used this time to test their culinary skills by preparing some new traditional delicacies. Dishes, especially sweets, were enjoyed together with relatives and friends via video calls. “Video calls were usually used for wishing living in other cities and countries. On previous occasions, we used to make video call to wish our friends and relatives living abroad.”

But, this Eid, we used video calls to wish our neighbours living few metres away,” Shakira Saied, resident of Matar Qadeem told The Peninsula.

Those who were not confident about their cooking skills, they availed the various offers by restaurants and hotels. Many and hotels and restaurants have launched special offers for Eid Al Fitr. Taking measure to ensure customers’ safety, they have started contactless home delivery of orders. Under this new service, a customer receives his order without coming in contact with delivery person