Doha: Doha Film Institute (DFI) has began accepting applications for Ajyal film festival young jurors. The sixth edition of the festival will take place from November 27 to December 3.
DFI said on its website that registration is open until November 1, so long as the applicant is between 8 and 21 years of age. Last year's edition saw more than 500 jurors of 54 different nationalities participate in the festival.
The institute said that those wishing to participate should register through the link provided on the website. Jurors can vote for the films they think are the best.
As an Ajyal Juror, you will:
1. Watch short and feature-length films from all over the world
2. Vote for your favourite films to choose the Ajyal Competition awards
3. Meet film directors and actors attending the Festival
4. Attend workshops on filmmaking techniques and film language
5. Be part of the film and fun festival activities being held in Katara
There are three Ajyal Competition juries in three age groups. They are:
Mohaq means ‘New Moon’ in Arabic, and these are Ajyal’s youngest jurors, aged 8 to 12. The young people of this jury will watch a programme of short films and four feature-length films.
Ajyal’s jurors aged 13 to 17 make up the Hilal jury – the term means ‘Crescent Moon’ in Arabic. Five feature films and a programme of shorts make up the Hilal jury’s festival programme.
The most mature of Ajyal’s juries, Bader (Arabic for ‘Full Moon’) jurors are aged 18 to 21 and will select their favourite films from five features and a programme of short films.
How to Register
Registration is open from 16 September to 1 November, 2018. You must be between the ages of 8 and 21 to be an Ajyal Juror. Register here.