Qatar / General

Sheikh Mohammed bin Hamad Al-Thani highlights reasons for Qatar's impressive success in organizing World Cup

Published: 20 Dec 2022 - 03:23 pm | Last Updated: 20 Dec 2022 - 03:25 pm

Doha: Managing Director of the Supreme Committee for Delivery and Legacy (SC) HE Sheikh Mohammed bin Hamad Al-Thani attributed the success of the State of Qatar in hosting the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 to the great support of the wise leadership of the State of Qatar. The wise leadership supported all work and stood behind this great success recognized by the world with its various cultures and its diversity, he said, noting that this success did not come from a vacuum, but rather is the result of great work that continued for more than twelve years since Qatar won the bid to organize the World Cup.

Speaking to Alkass TV channel today, His Excellency said that they in the SC were confident in the State of Qatar's ability to achieve the highest levels of success owing to the great support of the Qatari leadership to organize a more distinguished edition, and that they had set special criteria for success, most notably the legacy of the tournament that benefits the world, in addition to the criterion of mass attendance with the World Cup, which is a major criterion for them in the committee.

The technical criterion was something known to everyone who followed the tournament through the impressive level of the teams as well as the level of the final match between Argentina and France, which exceeded all expectations and was more powerful and exciting, he said, praising at the same time the Moroccan national team and the impressive results they achieved in the World Cup as the first Arab and African team to reach the semi-finals and to compete strongly, describing their performance as an honorable one that added a lot to the tournament from a technical point of view.

HE Sheikh Mohammed bin Hamad Al-Thani affirmed the State of Qatar's fulfillment of the promises and commitments made before organizing the World Cup through many distinctive standards that the world will absorb after a long period of time.

The tournament met all the standards of organization and added a lot to the World Cup tournaments, His Excellency said, noting that it was a good opportunity that changed many world concepts about the Middle East and what it was known for in the past.

The SC Managing Director said the hard work and sincerity of all committees were behind the full success of the championship, considering that the implementation stage of the Qatar's bid projects was the most difficult and that the Qatari competencies did a great job and did the impossible for an impressive organization of the championship.

His Excellency stated that they focused on working diligently and with high quality in order to achieve success, without considering any criticism, pointing out that they in the committee went through difficult stages in the past 12 years that followed the announcement of Qatar's winning of organizing the World Cup, but their confidence in achieving success was great.

HE Sheikh Mohammed bin Hamad Al-Thani thanked all the tournament's committees and said that they did a great job, noting that the security committee made a great effort to make it a success along with the media committee and the medical committee, which revealed distinguished talents and competencies that had an impact on the organization, in addition to other civil committees that carried out their work with high professionalism, and they deserve thanks and appreciation.