Doha: Qatar National Vision 2030 represents an inclusive strategy to achieve sustainable development that aims to transform Qatar into an advanced country capable of sustainable development with the goal of providing a high standard of living for all citizens by the year 2030, said Qatar Chamber (QC), General Manager Saleh bin Hamad Al Sharqi in the latest issue of Al Moltaqa magazine.
In order to make Qatari companies aware about UN Global Compact (UNGC) principles, the Chamber will organise seminars and workshops for companies to raise awareness about the sustainable development goals, and encourage them to adopt suitability in their businesses, added the official in the March 2022 issue of the magazine.
QC recently joined the UN Global Compact (UNGC), which is the world’s largest corporate sustainability initative, the official noted. Al Sharqi added “The UN Global Compact principles keep pace with the Qatar National Vision 2030, whose pillars include the human development, social development, economic development, and environmental development.
The Chamber’s keenness on the commitment to sustainable development criteria emphasises the increasing importance of sustainability across all economic sectors, and it also corresponds with its role in supporting the private sector.”
The UNGC is a key initiative to encourage companies worldwide to adopt sustainability and social responsibility, stressing that it supports companies by aligning their strategies and operations with Ten Principles. It supports companies to do business responsibly by aligning their strategies and operations with Ten Principles on human rights, labour, environment, and anti-corruption.
Al Sharqi highlighted that the chamber also calls for taking strategic actions to advance broader societal goals, such as the UN Sustainable Development Goals, with an emphasis on collaboration and innovation.
To support the UNGC principles, the Chamber will organise seminars and workshops for companies to raise awareness of the sustainable development goals, and encourage them to adopt sustainability in their businesses, as well as provide the Compact’s link on the Chamber’s website to help companies get acquainted with any developments related to the Compact and experiences of companies from world countries in this regard.
Over the recent year, sustainability has gained a global interest due to its importance in societies and the future of coming generations. In 2015, all United Nations Member States adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development that includes 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These goals call for adopting many procedures, including providing sustainable economic growth, and enhancing jobs creation as well as tackling climate change and pollution and other environmental factors that impact people’s life.