Qatar / General

Ramadan: Green Tent discusses endowment banks

Published: 15 Mar 2024 - 10:14 am | Last Updated: 15 Mar 2024 - 10:15 am


Doha, Qatar: The Green Tent of the “A Flower Each Spring” programme, began its Ramadan activities this year with a session on endowment (Waqf) banks and keeping pace with the today’s requirements, held both virtually and in person at the Sealine Sports Club Circuit (Mawater).

Discussions covered the extent to which these endowment banks meet today’s requirements, the positive role of the Islamic endowment throughout history, in addition to discussing the economic challenges faced by the Islamic endowment and the role of education and media in spreading endowment culture. Head of the program and session, Dr. Saif Ali Al Hajri, spoke about the great importance that endowment has in the heart of every Muslim for its role in balancing spirit and matter. It plays a part in the lives of Muslims even after death.

With the intertwining of interests and the economic complexities of today’s society, it has become necessary to develop the work of the endowment in a way that aligns with current developments and confronts the challenges, Dr. Al Hajri said.

He explained that, since the inception of the Green Tent, the focus has been to discuss Islamic endowments and assess the conditions of its banks and the necessity of expanding them to enhance the stability of society and ensure religious and social awareness.

Dr. Al Hajri also acknowledged the role of the media in its ability to provide visual, audio and print coverage of the Green Tent and its subject matters, as well as the role of social media platforms in spreading lessons and directives on the culture of endowment that supports social life and protects people against the excesses of material life.