With fall in temperature and humidity, anglers have started returning to Doha Corniche with their fishing rods after a long gap.
Many fishing enthusiasts meet at the end of every week on Thursdays and Fridays at the Corniche and sit until late at night, enjoying their hobby. Some also bring their families along to teach them angling.
It is also an opportunity for parents to teach their children patience. After waiting for hours, children learn a valuable lesson — good things come to those who wait. The catch may or may not be big but it is the entire process which brings joy to the anglers. Along with anglers, fishing also gives an opportunity to others who are there just to watch this time-taking but interesting process.
Prices of the supplies vary — roughly starting from QR100 — vary, depending on the needs of the practitioners and quality of the product.
Daily catch also varies from day to day. On some days they get more than their expectations, and on other days, when the luck is not on their side, they have to return home empty-handed, hoping that the next day would be better.
“The most important thing is that what is obtained is a result of our work and effort. We prefer this fresh fish compared to the ones at malls because we don’t know for how many days it was kept in the freezer,” said Taher, who has been angling at the Doha Corniche for years. “I like fishing with a hook, and have become accustomed to it for a long time. I come regularly to the Doha Corniche, and sometimes go to other beaches in Qatar, whether in summer or winter. I have noticed a strong presence of different nationalities here, and their number is constantly increasing.”
Asked about the problems anglers face, he said: “We do not face any problem. Only the lack of fish is an issue. But, the weather is now beautiful, and it is also an opportunity for friends to sit together and talk and this is what matters to us. Instead of sitting and talking, we also fish and thus make use of our time.”
Another angler said his visit to the Doha Corniche seriously motivated him to practice this hobby, “as the masses of fishermen lining up on the Doha Corniche has an impact on me, to join them. They stay for hours every day, exchanging ideas and smiles in a distinguished social framework”.
He stressed that fishing is one of the things that represent a practical training for children about some values, most notably patience.
When asked how much they catch in a day, many anglers said the number or the quantity did not matter to them. Rather it’s the hobby they are there for. “Sometimes we catch a few kilogrammes of fish, and on other days we do not catch anything. But at the end, we are satisfied with the pleasure of staying for hours in this wonderful atmosphere. It is the best thing that takes us out of a continuous week of work. It is distinct and wonderful.”