Business / Qatar Business

AQBC official raises concern over Qatar Airways additional flights refusal

Published: 13 Sep 2023 - 08:47 am | Last Updated: 13 Sep 2023 - 09:30 am
Simon Harrison, L. l. b. (Hons) LSF, Hon. Consul, President of the Australia Qatar Business Council

Simon Harrison, L. l. b. (Hons) LSF, Hon. Consul, President of the Australia Qatar Business Council

The Peninsula

Doha, Qatar: Australian Qatar Business Council (AQBC) expressed its disappointment of the Australian Government's recent decision on Qatar Airways additional flights refusal. The council said that it is hopeful that the decision will be reversed. AQBC have some several thousand stakeholders, followers and members who believe strongly in fully realising the potential of the bilateral relationship.

Simon Harrison (pictured), L. l. b. (Hons) LSF, Hon. Consul, President of the Australia Qatar Business Council said: “We have written to the Federal Minister as well as the Leader of the opposition to provide our counsel on this matter and our outright opposition to this decision. We are saddened to hear the Minister mention that the 2020 Qatar Airways incident in Doha has been seen as providing some 'context' or 'factor' in this decision."

"The very regrettable 2020 incident cannot be said to have occurred as a result of Qatari government or Qatar Airways policy nor has it been condoned by any rational person. Indeed, the recent World Cup demonstrated how smoothly, efficiently and customer focussed Qatar Airways conducts its services and has received internationally plaudits for its service ethic,” he added.

In relation to trade and investment, Harrison stated: “I believe that Australia’s New Ambassador to Qatar will do all he can to build upon the several billion dollars of investment already made in Australia and Qatar but I have concerns that this decision could sour the relationship in the short term and has to be overturned”