Teachers attending the workshop
Doha: A three day Continuous Professional Development workshop focusing on the theme “Positive Behaviour Support and School wide Discipline Policy” was organized by the Doha Modern Indian School as a part of Teachers’ Day Celebration and Empowerment from September 5 to September 7, 2016. About 60 teachers from different departments attended the workshop conducted at the School campus.
Ajit Sacheendran, Chief Consultant in Disability Rehabilitation, Special Education and related Services was the resource person for the workshop. He highlighted the requirement of teachers to enforce positive behaviour in accordance with the policies of the school. He made attendees explore and brain storm about managing behaviour, analyzing different types of behavior, laying a key focus on internalizing and externalizing behavior and fixing a child V/S fixing the school.
All participants were awarded certificate of completing 21 hours of learning and hands on experience at the end of the program.
Rakesh Singh Tomar, the Principal of DMIS invoked the teachers to trigger a spark in themselves for making the teaching learning process a productive one. He shared that a win- win approach would be required when resolving behavioral issues with students.