
Responsible driving reduces violations

Published: 05 Jul 2019 - 10:48 am | Last Updated: 28 Dec 2021 - 11:39 am
Image used for representation. Pic: Salim Matramkot/ The Peninsula

Image used for representation. Pic: Salim Matramkot/ The Peninsula

Sachin Kumar | The Peninsula

The number of traffic violations has declined in May this year compared previous month, showing a responsible driving behaviour from residents. The cases of traffic violations fell by around 9 percent in May this year compared to a month before.

According to the 65th issue of monthly bulletin of Planning and Statistics Authority (PSA), 155,853 traffic violations were registered in May this year against 170,301 violations in April, reflecting month-on-month decline. 

Number of cases caught by radars topped in the overall violations during the month. Cases caught by radars accounted for around 97 percent of total violations as 113,126 cases were caught by radars in May.

Violations detected by radars witnessed around 62 percent year-on-year growth as 69,975 cases were detected in May last year compared to 113,126 cases in May this year.

Violations of traffic instructions was the another category which registered significant decline during the month. A total of 11,817 cases of violations of traffic instructions were registered in May this year compared to 16,618 such cases in the same month last year, showing a fall of around 30 percent.

However, cases of violations of traffic signs increased during the month. A total of 7,074 cases of violations of traffic signs were recorded in May this year compared to 5714 cases in May last year, reflecting a rise of around 24 percent.

A total of 541 traffic cases were recorded during May 2019, showing a monthly increase of 7.3 percent. Light injuries accounted for the vast majority of traffic accidents during month, having a share of 87 percent in total injuries, followed by severe injuries having a share of 10 percent.

In a bid to make roads safer, the Traffic Department has launched ‘Accident-free Summer’ campaign which focuses on field awareness through inspection campaigns in cooperation with the of Traffic Patrols Department and the Public Relations Department.

The main goal of the campaign is to educate the public on the rules of traffic safety and safe driving, with a focus on drivers, especially from the youth, he added.  During the campaign there will be distribution of awareness publications, guidance to drivers in the roads, commercial markets and streets, the internal areas of Doha, and the external areas including Dukhan.