
Beginners guide to organic farming in Qatar

Published: 02 Oct 2018 - 01:36 pm | Last Updated: 28 Dec 2021 - 11:39 am

Doha: Everyone loves good food and if it’s something prepared out of veggies grown right in your backyard then it is simply the best. Though the concept of having a backyard garden is gaining popularity world over, either lack of space or lack of knowledge results in very few trying to actually work towards it.

This is probably one of the reasons why Facebook groups on organic farming are quite popular across the country. Two such Indian groups – Krishiyidam Qatar (with 13,672 members) and Nammude Adukkalathottam Doha (NAD) (with 3,180 members) have been frequently organising meetups and seed distribution programmes for its members.

A seasonal artisan and eco-friendly market at Qatar Foundation Torba Farmers Market has also been doing its share of awareness on organic farming through its social media. The group also plans to organise lectures for novices.

One of the admin of Krishiyidam Qatar Maharoof says that this is the right time to begin if someone is interested in growing vegetables since the temperatures will soon be going down. In fact prepping the soil for the season can be done earlier itself.

Adding on, another member of NAD, said that"most vegetables, except winter vegetables which require cool climate to grow, should be sprouted before winter sets in. They can sprout even later but it would take longer time for the seeds to grow."

Deciding on the place

The first and foremost decision to be taken is of where to begin planting. According to experts even if its a small balcony, that you plan to work with, it should have ample sunlight. Minimum 6 to 7 hours of sunlight is required for most vegetables.

Working with the soil

Baladiya plant nurseries and many other nurseries in Abu Hamour have soil bags available at QR10-15. But since most organic farmers work in their backyard that requires large amount of soil, they opt for plain soil without any fertilisers, which is then mixed with goat or cow manure and coconut husk (coco peat). This mixture is then twice watered daily to increase its moisture content.

Jisha Krishna of NAD adds, "Soil needs to be mixed with cow dung manure, waste from the kitchen and last year's plant remnants, if nothing else is available. This helps build the immune system of the soil which in turn helps build a strong sapling."

Germination of the seed

Once the place and the soil is ready, next important step is planting. Mahroof usually plants the seeds in the pot only after it has sprouted few leaves as "it allows me to understand the needs of the plants. Seeing the leaves come out for me means that the seed quality is good and can yield results.”

Seedlings tray can be used for this purpose and once the leaves have grown, it can be transferred to the pot slowly. The ideal time to do this transfer is during evening hours after the plant has sprouted about five to eight leaves.

Another advise from a NAD volunteer is that while planting a seed directly into soil, it is important that the seeds are not placed too deep. For example, Spinach seeds can be sprinkled on the soil after which little soil can be sprinkled over them.

Treatment of pests

Caring for your vegetable garden will yield results with the plant growing and flowering. But along with it comes the pests who can turn all your efforts futile and one needs to be prepared to tackle these irritants. Fish Amino Acid and Egg amino acid are organic pesticides that can help.

According to Mahroof there are various home remedies that we can do to improve soil, reduce plant diseases and promote plant growth.

From beginners with a single pot to old hands at managing an entire vegetable farm, members of social media and whatsapp groups are helping by addressing queries, providing seeds and assisting each other at various stages of farming, thus encouraging more and more members to take up farming in as little space as they can spare.